MEGA believes Mpumalanga’s diverse and resource-rich economy, coupled with the indomitable spirit of its people, makes it one of the region’s most attractive trade and investment destinations. More specifically, the province has a strong industrial export base, thanks to abundant primary resources and secondary-sector opportunities.
Industries and potential
Established industries in the province include mining, stainless steel, petro-chemicals, pulp and paper, ferro-alloys, tourism and agro-processing, among others, and there are several sectors, industries and products that can be beneficiated, including: manufacturing, mining, forestry, tourism and agriculture.
The commodities and products that emerge from the province offer exciting opportunities for diversification of traded goods and attracting new trade partners.
In addition, the province of Mpumalanga has been well integrated into the global trading system and has built strong relationships with countries in Africa, Europe, Asia, and the Americas – as well as expanding South-South and BRICS trade.
Specific advantages
The province hosts a number of South Africa’s flagship resource companies:
- Sasol – chemicals
- Columbus Stainless – stainless steel
- Sappi – paper
- Tsb Sugar – food processing
- Anglo American – minerals
- Rand Gold – minerals
- Kruger National Park – tourism
Mpumalanga’s economy is also supported by world-class infrastructure, including:
- Maputo Corridor – spatial development
- An established rail network
- Kruger Mpumalanga International Airport.
- Access to Maputo Port in Mozambique
MEGA’s T&I Division
On the basis that Mpumalanga is an investment destination of choice and a regional trade hub, MEGA has established a Trade & Investments Division; the primary function of which is to promote foreign trade by facilitating the interaction of local businesses with international counterparts and attracting foreign and domestic investment into the province of Mpumalanga. To this end, MEGA has created two sub-programmes: Trade Promotion and Investment Promotion.
Trade Promotion activities:
- Serving as the first point of contact for all foreign trade related issues
- Providing international market information, intelligence and research
- Organising and participating in foreign trade missions and exhibitions
- Hosting inward trade missions
- Providing counseling and training to SMMEs regarding export issues
- Advising local business on technical trade issues
- Promoting and facilitating provincial access to the Export Marketing and Investment Assistance Scheme (EMIA) – download the EMIA form here
- Promoting and facilitating provincial access to the Sector Specific Assistance Scheme (SSAS) – download the SSAS form here
Investment Promotion activities:
- Targeting investors via the MEGA website, incoming and outgoing delegations, foreign embassies, exhibitions, chambers of commerce and municipalities
- Facilitating feasibility studies
- Providing investment information, intelligence and research
- Assisting with obtaining factory space and/or land
- Advising on commercial statutory requirements
- Facilitating joint ventures via the identification of local partners
- Providing opportunities for emerging B-BBEE businesses
- Assisting in identifying potential suppliers of raw materials and feedstock
- Assisting with the lodging of investment incentive claims with the dti