The Property Management and Development Division is managing industrial and commercial properties owned by Mpumalanga Economic Growth Agency in the Mpumalanga Province. MEGA’s investment properties consist of the following:
- Large Industrial Parks (500 square meters -4500 square meters)
- Ekandustria Estate has a total of 145 properties and is situated next to Pretoria and O.R. Tambo international airport which is below the distance of 90km from the two major markets. The occupancy rate for Ekandustria is 90% due to its proximity to the major market. Ekandustria has plenty of land that can be used for future development of industrial development. Mpumalanga Economic Growth Agency plays the role of Municipality at Ekandustria where it does the following:
- Supply of electricity
- Maintaining electrical network
- Water supply
- Maintaining water network.
- Managing Waste Water Treatment Plant.
- Managing Landfill Site.
- Refuse removal to the Industrial Park
- Siyabuswa Industrial Park has a total of 27 factories and is situated 30km away from Marble Hall/Groblersdal and 135km away from Pretoria. The occupancy rate for Siyabuswa Industrial Park is 85%. There is land with Infrastructure available for future development. MEGA plays the role of a municipality at Siyabuswa Industrial Park similar to Ekandustria except for refuse removal.
- Kabokweni Industrial Park has 44 properties and is situated 10km away from Kruger International Airport and 22km from White River and Rocky’s Drift Industrial area. The occupancy rate is 75% at Kabokweni Industrial Park. The majority of industrials use wood as raw material.
- Small Industrial Parks (30 square meters – 25 square meters)
A Small Industrial Park (S.I.P) is a building that is divided into small units ranging between the sizes of 30m2 to 25m2. Small manufacturers are the ideal tenants for an S.I.P. the development of Small Industrial Park is for small business to be incubated before it grows to be a large manufacturer. The rental charge on Small Industrial Park is in consideration that the premises were for business incubation. The idea for incubation was that the business will grow in the medium term of 5 (five) years, then move into a Large Industrial Park where market related rental rate would be charged. The average occupancy rate in these is 95% and most occupants are the previously disadvantaged community. The Small Industrial Parks are located in the following areas:
Ekandustria x 2, Kabokweni, Siyabuswa x 2, Verena, Kwaggafontein, Wolwekraal, Vaalbank, KaNyamazane, KaMhlushwa, Eestehoek, Dundonald, Mpuluzi
- Shopping centers
Mpumalanga Economic Growth Agency has a total of nine (9) shopping centres situated in Mpumalanga Province as shown below;
- Nkangala (Ekashop),
- Vaalbank shopping centre
- Siyabuswa shopping centre
- Kabokweni shopping centre
- Matsulu shopping centre
- KaMhlushwa shopping centre
- Mpuluzi shopping centre
- Elukwatini shopping centre
- Kamaqhekeza shopping centre
- Stand-alone buildings.
The Stand-alone division has fifteen (15) buildings and these properties where built in the 1980’s for specific purposes. Most of these properties are doing well and occupancy rate is at 97%. The following properties are situated around the Mpumalanga province:
- Post Offices (7x properties)
- Kabokweni
- KaNyamazane
- Matsulu
- Kwalugedlane
- Shongwe
- Elukwatini
- Enkeldoorn structures (4x factories)
- Mpuluzi structures (3xfactories)
- Tonga structure (Bakery)
- Ex-casino building (Vacant)
- Dayizenza structures
- Previously Metro building KaMhlushwa